R.M. Pyles Boys Camp is so thankful to all of the companies, foundations, and individuals who make our program possible. For 20 years now, Signal Hill Petroleum has partnered with R.M. Pyles Boys Camp in support of our mission.
Please consider making a personally significant donation to R.M. Pyles Boys Camp this Holiday Season
As you already know, the impact of our program is not just for a summer, but for a lifetime. R.M. Pyles Boys Camp programs are offered at no cost to our campers and their families. Your gift can make the difference for a boy who is deciding to choose a positive plan for his future. By making a generous donation at this time of year, you are ensuring that the Pyles mission can be delivered to the greatest possible number of deserving boys.
Welcome to our new Program Director, Ivan "Navi" Trigueros Ramirez
R.M. Pyles Boys Camp is pleased to announce the hiring of Ivan “Navi” Trigueros Ramirez for the position of Program Director, effective January 1st, 2022.
Navi joins the full-time team after entering the Pyles Program as a camper in 2012 and serving as a counselor for several summers. He is scheduled to earn his B.S. in Psychological and Brain Sciences from U.C. Santa Barbara this December and will be joining our team shortly after that.
Please join us in welcoming Navi to the full-time team at Pyles.
Welcome to our new Administrative Manager, Jessica “Sky” Walter
A Legacy of Support - Chevron and R.M. Pyles Boys Camp
R.M. Pyles Boys Camp would not be able to deliver its mission without the support of so many generous individuals and companies in Southern California. One such organization that has been ever-present with its support of Pyles is Chevron.
Chevron San Joaquin Valley Business Unit will be returning as a Platinum Sponsor of our 2021 Kern County BBQ.
Pyles Receives Donated Van from Irrelevant Week
R.M. Pyles Boys Camp is made possible through community support from so many companies, foundations and individuals. We are very thankful to have received a new (to us) Honda Odyssey courtesy of Irrelevant Week and its CEO, Melanie Salata Fitch.
The Stanley W. Ekstrom Foundation Continues its Support of Pyles
R.M. Pyles Boys Camp would not be able to deliver its mission without the support of so many generous individuals and companies in Southern California. One such Foundation that is instrumental to our success is the Stanley W. Ekstrom Foundation.
Recently, the Stanley W. Ekstrom Foundation extended their partnership with R.M. Pyles Boys Camp by generously donating $15,000 to support the boys who attend Pyles.
An Update on Summer 2021
Pyles Featured in "El Popular"
Pyles was recently featured in “El Popular” as part of Give Big Kern. You can read the entire article here: