August is National Make-A-Will Month! By planning ahead you can make important healthcare and financial decisions, and show care for your loved ones and community. Helen Keller once wrote,” When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.”
Your will is your legacy and can be created to reflect your values. That’s why, no matter your age or wealth status, you should be sure to take time to consider this important document. If you already have a will, it’s good to review it periodically and make sure its up to date.
Your will can be used to:
Name a guardian for minor children and dependent adults
Dictate how you want your assets to be distributed.
Ensure your pets are taken care of.
Reduce the administrative expenses of your estate.
Make sure your support for organizations you care about is in place.
The generosity and investment from generations past have made possible the Pyles experience for many. You too can create a lasting impact and safeguard the Pyles promise of opportunity and transformation for future generations by including R.M. Pyles Boys Camp in your will or estate plan.
Advantages of a gift in your will include simplicity, flexibility and versatility. Until your will or trust goes into effect, you are free to alter your plans as needed to reflect life’s changes. Your gift may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after all other provisions are specified. Your estate planning attorney can help you structure a gift so your loved ones will be taken care of first after you’re gone.