The annual Pyles BBQ has been a major source of funding for the boys of Pyles Camp for more than 60 years! Will you join us in 2018?
The Pyles BBQ in Bakersfield will be held on Saturday, May 19th at Lake Ming!
Listed below is what you can expect at this year’s event:
- Kid friendly events including bounce house, face painting, balloon art, and more
- Super raffle prize TBD
- Exciting raffle prizes including kids’ bicycles (tickets will be sold at the event)
- An outstanding tri-tip dinner by Jim Roberts and his gang of cooks
- Testimonials from Pyles campers about the life changing experience of camp
How can you help make this event a success?
- Purchase tickets and enjoy a great day in the park, win prizes, and support the Camp (ticketss include the Tri-tip dinner and one chance for the Super raffle prize)
- Make the event your company summer picnic – purchase tickets for your employees and their families (by the way, kids 12 and under eat free)
- Donate money to go toward the purchase of raffle prizes
- Donate a raffle prize
- Make a contribution toward sending a boy to Camp and provide year-round programming ($2,500 per camper)
- Become a sponsor in support of the Pyles mission
Individual tickets will be available the day of the event, or you can call
Stan Moe at 661-703-7663 for advanced purchases.
Please email with any questions.